Click & Connect
Get ready to revolutionize the way you connect in Elgin and beyond
Members Only - available to all membership levels
EAC Click & Connect is a monthly email digest that empowers EAC members to shine a spotlight on their latest announcements, breaking news, tempting promotions, exclusive specials, upcoming events, significant milestones, and anything else they're eager to share with the business community.

Don't let your marketing efforts fall short.
Don't miss your chance to amplify your message, expand your reach, and tap into the pulse of Elgin's bustling business landscape.
Here's how it works:
Every month, members of the EAC submit content in line with the specifications provided, guaranteeing a wide range of insights and updates. Following this, our skilled team meticulously formats this abundance of information into a single, visually engaging email digest. This digest is meticulously crafted to engage and inform our vast network of businesses, influencers, and decision-makers.

How To Submit
- Submissions must be recevieved before or at least 5 business days prior to the start of a month.
- All submissions for the member newsletter should be sent by an active member of the Elgin Area Chamber who is in good standing.
- Emails will be sent to EAC's 1,600+ contacts on the first business day of each month and will contain member-submitted content for that month only.
- Content submissions must be submitted before the specified content deadline which is 7 business days before the start of a month. Any entries received after the deadline will be considered for inclusion in the following month's member newsletter, if applicable.
- Send your submissions by email to with the subject line "Newsletter Submission." AND, include a desired link address with the body of your email.
- Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines may not be included in the member newsletter.
- Submissions are subject to editing before publication.
Submission guideline:
Text only:
- 150 words
- Include a title
- If applicable, include link addresses in email body
Text (above) with picture:
- Pictures must be copyright-free
- You must have permission to submit photos of people for publication on EAC media outlets
- If applicable, include link addresses in the email body
- Dimensions not exceed 8.5 x 11 inches or 2550 x3300 in pixels, graphics will be sized to fit the newsletter format
- If applicable, include the desired link addresses in your email body
- email link to the video on YouTube or Vimeo
- Include title and introduction text.